Our Company

About us

SIOMAA S.A is the leading company that assists you in the development and processing of information for the generation of statistics and analysis of the automotive market in Argentina.

The structure of our systems allows the user to access all the information efficiently and with the most accurate data on operations that are carried out daily in our market.

We have vast experience working with clients in different sectors, being able to supply not only the wide range of products and services available, but we can also develop innovative and customized solutions.

SIOMAA is strongly committed to contribute with the best information available, in order to provide its customers, the tools to make the best business decisions. Our reports are constantly reproduced in the media, giving a clear idea of the importance of being able to take actions based on them.

Our reports are constantly reproduced in the communication media, giving a clear idea of the importance of being able to take actions based on them.

SIOMAA S.A., with its strategic partner NADA (National Automotive Dealer Association), offer seminars and training specially developed for our clients in the automotive industry.

They are designed based on the needs of the sector, the latest market trends and the continuous developments of the industry.

Due to the need of keeping up to date on the evolution of the market, we develop intensive conferences where different topics such as financial statements, digital marketing, the concessionaire of the future, among other topics, are discussed in depth.

What we do

We provide solutions to facilitate the access and processing of information, which will allow you to identify new opportunities for your business, monitor trends, and help you in the decision-making process.

We provide training based on the dealers’ needs with the objective of keeping up to date with the advances and changes in the sector. The trainings are designed together with our strategic partners to provide you with the necessary tools to improve work processes and customer relations, helping our clients in the decision-making process.

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We have extensive experience in the collection, processing and analysis of information as well as in the generation of statistical reports of the automotive sector, motorcycle vehicles, agricultural and road machinery, and automotive fleets. We offer an extensive range of solutions and custom developments based on our customer’s needs.

Our knowledge of the industry allows us to work with a wide variety of clients in each of the industry sectors. Our main clients are Official Dealers, Importers, Automotive Terminals, National and International Consultants, Banks, Insurance Companies, Auto parts Manufacturers and National and International Organizations.

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